Caring for your dog
Your dog will stay with us in a kennel of its own with a tiled floor and pvc lined walls, leading through a hatch door to a roofed outside run. A heat lamp is suspended above the tiled floor. We walk the dogs twice a day for approximately 30 minutes along a wide grassy path by the edge of a field. We feed after morning and afternoon walks and try to keep your dog to a feed time that will maintain the home routine. Every morning bedding is aired and each kennel is vacuumed and fresh water is provided.
During the day outside runs are kept clean. We have washing and drying facilities to keep bedding clean. We have bathing facilities if you would like your dog bathed before collection. Please ask for a price. When a dog goes home the kennel is sprayed with a veterinary disinfectant and then power washed.

for your cat
Your cat will stay in a chalet of
its own built from plastic for cleanliness and edged with aluminium for
strength. It is insulated to create an ideal temperature for summer and, more importantly,
warmth in the cold winter months. For extra comfort every chalet has heating. Each
unit has a full height sneeze barrier and shelves and ladders inside and
outside. We provide a scratch post and toys. The cats are visited at regular
intervals by staff for interaction and observation.